
C'de Rastgele Fonksiyon

Bu konuumuzda C programlama dilinde rastgele fonksiyonu ve rastgele sayıyı nasıl üretebileceğimizi öğreneceğiz. Bildiğimiz gibi rastgele fonksiyon, tanımlanmış herhangi iki sayı arasındaki rastgele sayıyı bulmak için kullanılır. C programlama dilinde, rastgele işlevin iki yerleşik işlevi vardır: Rand() ve srand() işlevi. Bu fonksiyonları C dilinde anlayalım.

C'de Rastgele Fonksiyon

rand() işlevi

İçinde C programlama dili Rand() işlevi, [0, RAND_MAX] aralığında rastgele sayı üreten bir kitaplık işlevidir. Rand() fonksiyonunu bir programda kullandığımızda, uygulamamız gerekir. stdlib.h başlık dosyasıdır çünkü Rand() işlevi stdlib başlık dosyasında tanımlanmıştır. Herhangi bir tohum numarası içermez. Bu nedenle aynı programı tekrar tekrar çalıştırdığımızda aynı değerleri döndürür.

Not: Rastgele sayılar, srand() işlevi çağrılmadan Rand() işleviyle üretilirse, program her yürütüldüğünde aynı sayı dizisini döndürür.


 int rand (void) 

Rand() işlevi, aralığı 0 ile RAND_MAX arasında olan rastgele tamsayıları döndürür. RAND_MAX, C kütüphanelerine bağlı olarak değeri 32767'den büyük ancak 32767'den küçük olan, stdlib.h başlık dosyasında tanımlanan sembolik bir sabittir.

dizi ve arraylist arasındaki fark

Rand() işlevini kullanarak rastgele sayılar oluşturun

Rand() fonksiyonunu kullanarak rastgele sayıyı elde edecek bir program yazalım.

ikisinden biri

 #include #include #include void main() { // use rand() function to generate the number printf (' The random number is: %d', rand()); printf ('
 The random number is: %d', rand()); printf (' 
 The random number is: %d', rand()); printf ('
 The random number is: %d', rand()); getch(); } 


 The random number is: 41 The random number is: 18467 The random number is: 6334 The random number is: 26500 

Rand() işlevini kullanarak 5 rastgele sayı oluşturun

C programlama dilinde Rand() fonksiyonunu kullanarak 5 rasgele sayı üreten bir program düşünelim.


 #include #include int main() { int i; /* It returns the same sequence of random number on every execution of the program. */ printf(' Random Numbers are: 
&apos;); for (i = 0; i <5; i++) { printf(' %d', rand()); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Random Numbers are: 41 18467 6334 26500 19169 </pre> <p> <strong>2nd execution of the program:</strong> </p> <pre> Random Numbers are: 41 18467 6334 26500 19169 </pre> <p> <strong>3rd execution of the program</strong> </p> <pre> Random Numbers are: 41 18467 6334 26500 19169 </pre> <p>As we can see in the above output, it returns the same sequence of random numbers on every execution of the programming code.</p> <h3>Generate 10 random numbers from 1 to 100 using rand() function</h3> <p>Let&apos;s consider a program to find the random number in C using rand() function.</p> <p> <strong>rand_num.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include #include int main() { // declare the local variables int i, num; printf (&apos; Program to get the random number from 1 to 100 
&apos;); for (i = 1; i <= 100 10; i++) { num="rand()" % + 1; use rand() function to get the random number printf (' %d ', num); getch(); } < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Program to get the random number from 1 to 100 42 68 35 1 70 25 79 59 63 65 </pre> <h2>srand() function</h2> <p>The srand() function is a C library function that determines the initial point to generate different series of pseudo-random numbers. A srand() function cannot be used without using a rand() function. The srand() function is required to set the value of the seed only once in a program to generate the different results of random integers before calling the rand() function.</p> <h3>Syntax</h3> <pre> int srand (unsigned int seed) </pre> <p> <strong>seed</strong> : It is an integer value that contains a seed for a new sequence of pseudo-random numbers.</p> <h3>Generate the random numbers using srand() function</h3> <p>Let&apos;s write a program to get the random numbers using srand() function in C.</p> <p> <strong>srandNum.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include #include // use time.h header file to use time int main() { int num, i; time_t t1; // declare time variable printf(&apos; Enter a number to set the limit for a random number 
&apos;); scanf (&apos; %d&apos;, &amp;num); /* define the random number generator */ srand ( (unsigned) time (&amp;t1)); // pass the srand() parameter printf(&apos;
&apos;); // print the space /* generate random number between 0 to 50 */ for (i = 0; i <num; i++) { printf( '%d 
', rand() % 50); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a number to set the limit for a random number 10 44 32 23 35 6 33 1 4 22 18 </pre> <p> <strong>2nd execution of the program:</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a number to set the limit for a random number 15 13 30 24 27 4 30 28 35 36 13 44 39 21 5 7 </pre> <p>As we can see in the above Output, it returns different sequences of random numbers on every execution of the programming code.</p> <h3>Generate the random numbers using srand() and time() function</h3> <p>Let&apos;s write a program to get the random numbers using srand() with time() function.</p> <p> <strong>srand_time.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include int main() { int random = rand(); // assign the rand() function to random variable srand( time(0)); printf( &apos; Seed = %d&apos;, time(0)); printf( &apos; Random number = %d&apos;, random); return 0; } </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Seed = 1619450091 Random number = 41 </pre> <h3>Get a seeding value and print the random numbers using srand() function</h3> <p>Let&apos;s write a program to get the seed value and random numbers using srand() function.</p> <p> <strong>srand_time.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include int main() { int count; unsigned int seed; // use for randomize number printf(&apos; Enter the Seeding value: 
&apos;); scanf(&apos; %u&apos;, &amp;seed); srand (seed); // pass parameter // generate random number between 1 to 6 for (count = 1; count <= 1 5="=" 10; ++count) { printf(' %5d', + (rand () % 6)); if (count 0) print the number in next line puts(' '); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the Seeding value: 10 6 4 3 3 6 3 3 1 3 4 </pre> <p> <strong>2nd execution of the program:</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the Seeding value: 20 2 4 2 4 5 4 3 5 1 4 </pre> <p> <strong>3rd execution of the program:</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the Seeding value: 25 1 6 1 6 4 4 1 4 1 3 </pre> <p>As we can see in the above Output, when we executed the same program again and again with different seeds values, it displays the different sequences of a random number from 1 to 6.</p> <h3>Generate the random number using the random function</h3> <p>Let&apos;s create a program to use stadlib header file to get the random number using random function in C.</p> <p> <strong>func.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include #include int main() { int i, num, max, temp; printf (&apos; Enter a number to set the limit of random numbers 
&apos;); scanf (&apos;%d&apos;, num); printf (&apos; Enter the maximum number from you want to get the random number: 
&apos;); scanf (&apos;%d&apos;, max); printf (&apos; %d random number from 0 to %d number are: 
&apos;, num, max); randomize(); for (i = 1; i <= num; i++) { temp="random(max)" * use random() function to get the random number printf (' %d ', temp); print } getch(); < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a number to set the limit of random numbers 17 Enter the maximum number from you want to get the random number: 100 15 random number from 0 to 100 number are: 42 68 35 1 70 25 79 59 63 28 75 89 90 43 7 4 65 </pre> <h2>Program to generate float random numbers</h2> <p>Let&apos;s consider a program to print the float random numbers in C.</p> <p> <strong>random1.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include #include int main() { srand( (unsigned int) time(NULL)); float f1 = 5.0; int i; printf(?Float random numbers are: 
?); for (i = 0; i<10; i++) { printf('%f', ((float) rand() rand_max) * f1); printf('
'); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Float random numbers are: 1.208075 1.658376 4.645070 2.298807 3.117161 0.961486 4.115573 4.336223 2.894833 2.249825 </pre> <hr></10;></pre></=></pre></=></pre></num;></pre></=></pre></5;>

Programın 2. uygulaması:

 Random Numbers are: 41 18467 6334 26500 19169 

Programın 3. uygulaması

veri yapısında karma
 Random Numbers are: 41 18467 6334 26500 19169 

Yukarıdaki çıktıda görebileceğimiz gibi, programlama kodunun her yürütülmesinde aynı rastgele sayı dizisini döndürür.

Rand() işlevini kullanarak 1'den 100'e kadar 10 rastgele sayı oluşturun

Rand() fonksiyonunu kullanarak C'deki rastgele sayıyı bulan bir program düşünelim.


 #include #include #include int main() { // declare the local variables int i, num; printf (&apos; Program to get the random number from 1 to 100 
&apos;); for (i = 1; i <= 100 10; i++) { num="rand()" % + 1; use rand() function to get the random number printf (\' %d \', num); getch(); } < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Program to get the random number from 1 to 100 42 68 35 1 70 25 79 59 63 65 </pre> <h2>srand() function</h2> <p>The srand() function is a C library function that determines the initial point to generate different series of pseudo-random numbers. A srand() function cannot be used without using a rand() function. The srand() function is required to set the value of the seed only once in a program to generate the different results of random integers before calling the rand() function.</p> <h3>Syntax</h3> <pre> int srand (unsigned int seed) </pre> <p> <strong>seed</strong> : It is an integer value that contains a seed for a new sequence of pseudo-random numbers.</p> <h3>Generate the random numbers using srand() function</h3> <p>Let&apos;s write a program to get the random numbers using srand() function in C.</p> <p> <strong>srandNum.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include #include // use time.h header file to use time int main() { int num, i; time_t t1; // declare time variable printf(&apos; Enter a number to set the limit for a random number 
&apos;); scanf (&apos; %d&apos;, &amp;num); /* define the random number generator */ srand ( (unsigned) time (&amp;t1)); // pass the srand() parameter printf(&apos;
&apos;); // print the space /* generate random number between 0 to 50 */ for (i = 0; i <num; i++) { printf( \'%d 
\', rand() % 50); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a number to set the limit for a random number 10 44 32 23 35 6 33 1 4 22 18 </pre> <p> <strong>2nd execution of the program:</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a number to set the limit for a random number 15 13 30 24 27 4 30 28 35 36 13 44 39 21 5 7 </pre> <p>As we can see in the above Output, it returns different sequences of random numbers on every execution of the programming code.</p> <h3>Generate the random numbers using srand() and time() function</h3> <p>Let&apos;s write a program to get the random numbers using srand() with time() function.</p> <p> <strong>srand_time.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include int main() { int random = rand(); // assign the rand() function to random variable srand( time(0)); printf( &apos; Seed = %d&apos;, time(0)); printf( &apos; Random number = %d&apos;, random); return 0; } </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Seed = 1619450091 Random number = 41 </pre> <h3>Get a seeding value and print the random numbers using srand() function</h3> <p>Let&apos;s write a program to get the seed value and random numbers using srand() function.</p> <p> <strong>srand_time.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include int main() { int count; unsigned int seed; // use for randomize number printf(&apos; Enter the Seeding value: 
&apos;); scanf(&apos; %u&apos;, &amp;seed); srand (seed); // pass parameter // generate random number between 1 to 6 for (count = 1; count <= 1 5="=" 10; ++count) { printf(\' %5d\', + (rand () % 6)); if (count 0) print the number in next line puts(\' \'); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the Seeding value: 10 6 4 3 3 6 3 3 1 3 4 </pre> <p> <strong>2nd execution of the program:</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the Seeding value: 20 2 4 2 4 5 4 3 5 1 4 </pre> <p> <strong>3rd execution of the program:</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the Seeding value: 25 1 6 1 6 4 4 1 4 1 3 </pre> <p>As we can see in the above Output, when we executed the same program again and again with different seeds values, it displays the different sequences of a random number from 1 to 6.</p> <h3>Generate the random number using the random function</h3> <p>Let&apos;s create a program to use stadlib header file to get the random number using random function in C.</p> <p> <strong>func.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include #include int main() { int i, num, max, temp; printf (&apos; Enter a number to set the limit of random numbers 
&apos;); scanf (&apos;%d&apos;, num); printf (&apos; Enter the maximum number from you want to get the random number: 
&apos;); scanf (&apos;%d&apos;, max); printf (&apos; %d random number from 0 to %d number are: 
&apos;, num, max); randomize(); for (i = 1; i <= num; i++) { temp="random(max)" * use random() function to get the random number printf (\' %d \', temp); print } getch(); < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a number to set the limit of random numbers 17 Enter the maximum number from you want to get the random number: 100 15 random number from 0 to 100 number are: 42 68 35 1 70 25 79 59 63 28 75 89 90 43 7 4 65 </pre> <h2>Program to generate float random numbers</h2> <p>Let&apos;s consider a program to print the float random numbers in C.</p> <p> <strong>random1.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include #include int main() { srand( (unsigned int) time(NULL)); float f1 = 5.0; int i; printf(?Float random numbers are: 
?); for (i = 0; i<10; i++) { printf(\'%f\', ((float) rand() rand_max) * f1); printf(\'
\'); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Float random numbers are: 1.208075 1.658376 4.645070 2.298807 3.117161 0.961486 4.115573 4.336223 2.894833 2.249825 </pre> <hr></10;></pre></=></pre></=></pre></num;></pre></=>

srand() işlevi

srand() işlevi, farklı sözde rastgele sayı dizileri oluşturmak için başlangıç ​​noktasını belirleyen bir C kütüphanesi işlevidir. Bir srand() işlevi, Rand() işlevi kullanılmadan kullanılamaz. Rand() işlevini çağırmadan önce rastgele tam sayıların farklı sonuçlarını üretmek için srand() işlevinin, tohum değerini bir programda yalnızca bir kez ayarlaması gerekir.


 int srand (unsigned int seed) 

tohum : Yeni bir sözde rastgele sayı dizisi için bir tohum içeren bir tamsayı değeridir.

srand() işlevini kullanarak rastgele sayılar oluşturun

C'de srand() fonksiyonunu kullanarak rastgele sayıları elde edecek bir program yazalım.


 #include #include #include // use time.h header file to use time int main() { int num, i; time_t t1; // declare time variable printf(&apos; Enter a number to set the limit for a random number 
&apos;); scanf (&apos; %d&apos;, &amp;num); /* define the random number generator */ srand ( (unsigned) time (&amp;t1)); // pass the srand() parameter printf(&apos;
&apos;); // print the space /* generate random number between 0 to 50 */ for (i = 0; i <num; i++) { printf( \'%d 
\', rand() % 50); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a number to set the limit for a random number 10 44 32 23 35 6 33 1 4 22 18 </pre> <p> <strong>2nd execution of the program:</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a number to set the limit for a random number 15 13 30 24 27 4 30 28 35 36 13 44 39 21 5 7 </pre> <p>As we can see in the above Output, it returns different sequences of random numbers on every execution of the programming code.</p> <h3>Generate the random numbers using srand() and time() function</h3> <p>Let&apos;s write a program to get the random numbers using srand() with time() function.</p> <p> <strong>srand_time.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include int main() { int random = rand(); // assign the rand() function to random variable srand( time(0)); printf( &apos; Seed = %d&apos;, time(0)); printf( &apos; Random number = %d&apos;, random); return 0; } </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Seed = 1619450091 Random number = 41 </pre> <h3>Get a seeding value and print the random numbers using srand() function</h3> <p>Let&apos;s write a program to get the seed value and random numbers using srand() function.</p> <p> <strong>srand_time.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include int main() { int count; unsigned int seed; // use for randomize number printf(&apos; Enter the Seeding value: 
&apos;); scanf(&apos; %u&apos;, &amp;seed); srand (seed); // pass parameter // generate random number between 1 to 6 for (count = 1; count <= 1 5="=" 10; ++count) { printf(\' %5d\', + (rand () % 6)); if (count 0) print the number in next line puts(\' \'); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the Seeding value: 10 6 4 3 3 6 3 3 1 3 4 </pre> <p> <strong>2nd execution of the program:</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the Seeding value: 20 2 4 2 4 5 4 3 5 1 4 </pre> <p> <strong>3rd execution of the program:</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the Seeding value: 25 1 6 1 6 4 4 1 4 1 3 </pre> <p>As we can see in the above Output, when we executed the same program again and again with different seeds values, it displays the different sequences of a random number from 1 to 6.</p> <h3>Generate the random number using the random function</h3> <p>Let&apos;s create a program to use stadlib header file to get the random number using random function in C.</p> <p> <strong>func.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include #include int main() { int i, num, max, temp; printf (&apos; Enter a number to set the limit of random numbers 
&apos;); scanf (&apos;%d&apos;, num); printf (&apos; Enter the maximum number from you want to get the random number: 
&apos;); scanf (&apos;%d&apos;, max); printf (&apos; %d random number from 0 to %d number are: 
&apos;, num, max); randomize(); for (i = 1; i <= num; i++) { temp="random(max)" * use random() function to get the random number printf (\' %d \', temp); print } getch(); < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a number to set the limit of random numbers 17 Enter the maximum number from you want to get the random number: 100 15 random number from 0 to 100 number are: 42 68 35 1 70 25 79 59 63 28 75 89 90 43 7 4 65 </pre> <h2>Program to generate float random numbers</h2> <p>Let&apos;s consider a program to print the float random numbers in C.</p> <p> <strong>random1.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include #include int main() { srand( (unsigned int) time(NULL)); float f1 = 5.0; int i; printf(?Float random numbers are: 
?); for (i = 0; i<10; i++) { printf(\'%f\', ((float) rand() rand_max) * f1); printf(\'
\'); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Float random numbers are: 1.208075 1.658376 4.645070 2.298807 3.117161 0.961486 4.115573 4.336223 2.894833 2.249825 </pre> <hr></10;></pre></=></pre></=></pre></num;>

Programın 2. uygulaması:

 Enter a number to set the limit for a random number 15 13 30 24 27 4 30 28 35 36 13 44 39 21 5 7 

Yukarıdaki Çıktıda görebileceğimiz gibi, programlama kodunun her yürütülmesinde farklı rastgele sayı dizileri döndürür.

srand() ve time() işlevini kullanarak rastgele sayılar oluşturun

Rastgele sayıları elde etmek için srand() ve time() fonksiyonlarını kullanarak bir program yazalım.

bir dizeyi tam sayıya dönüştürme


 #include #include int main() { int random = rand(); // assign the rand() function to random variable srand( time(0)); printf( &apos; Seed = %d&apos;, time(0)); printf( &apos; Random number = %d&apos;, random); return 0; } 


 Seed = 1619450091 Random number = 41 

Bir tohumlama değeri alın ve srand() işlevini kullanarak rastgele sayıları yazdırın

srand() fonksiyonunu kullanarak tohum değerini ve rastgele sayıları elde edecek bir program yazalım.

asit özellikleri


 #include #include int main() { int count; unsigned int seed; // use for randomize number printf(&apos; Enter the Seeding value: 
&apos;); scanf(&apos; %u&apos;, &amp;seed); srand (seed); // pass parameter // generate random number between 1 to 6 for (count = 1; count <= 1 5="=" 10; ++count) { printf(\' %5d\', + (rand () % 6)); if (count 0) print the number in next line puts(\' \'); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the Seeding value: 10 6 4 3 3 6 3 3 1 3 4 </pre> <p> <strong>2nd execution of the program:</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the Seeding value: 20 2 4 2 4 5 4 3 5 1 4 </pre> <p> <strong>3rd execution of the program:</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the Seeding value: 25 1 6 1 6 4 4 1 4 1 3 </pre> <p>As we can see in the above Output, when we executed the same program again and again with different seeds values, it displays the different sequences of a random number from 1 to 6.</p> <h3>Generate the random number using the random function</h3> <p>Let&apos;s create a program to use stadlib header file to get the random number using random function in C.</p> <p> <strong>func.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include #include int main() { int i, num, max, temp; printf (&apos; Enter a number to set the limit of random numbers 
&apos;); scanf (&apos;%d&apos;, num); printf (&apos; Enter the maximum number from you want to get the random number: 
&apos;); scanf (&apos;%d&apos;, max); printf (&apos; %d random number from 0 to %d number are: 
&apos;, num, max); randomize(); for (i = 1; i <= num; i++) { temp="random(max)" * use random() function to get the random number printf (\' %d \', temp); print } getch(); < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a number to set the limit of random numbers 17 Enter the maximum number from you want to get the random number: 100 15 random number from 0 to 100 number are: 42 68 35 1 70 25 79 59 63 28 75 89 90 43 7 4 65 </pre> <h2>Program to generate float random numbers</h2> <p>Let&apos;s consider a program to print the float random numbers in C.</p> <p> <strong>random1.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include #include int main() { srand( (unsigned int) time(NULL)); float f1 = 5.0; int i; printf(?Float random numbers are: 
?); for (i = 0; i<10; i++) { printf(\'%f\', ((float) rand() rand_max) * f1); printf(\'
\'); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Float random numbers are: 1.208075 1.658376 4.645070 2.298807 3.117161 0.961486 4.115573 4.336223 2.894833 2.249825 </pre> <hr></10;></pre></=></pre></=>

Programın 2. uygulaması:

 Enter the Seeding value: 20 2 4 2 4 5 4 3 5 1 4 

Programın 3. uygulaması:

 Enter the Seeding value: 25 1 6 1 6 4 4 1 4 1 3 

Yukarıdaki Çıktıda da görebileceğimiz gibi, aynı programı farklı tohum değerleriyle tekrar tekrar çalıştırdığımızda, 1'den 6'ya kadar rastgele bir sayının farklı dizilerini görüntüler.

Rastgele işlevi kullanarak rastgele sayıyı oluşturun

C'deki rastgele işlevi kullanarak rastgele sayıyı elde etmek için stadlib başlık dosyasını kullanacak bir program oluşturalım.


 #include #include #include int main() { int i, num, max, temp; printf (&apos; Enter a number to set the limit of random numbers 
&apos;); scanf (&apos;%d&apos;, num); printf (&apos; Enter the maximum number from you want to get the random number: 
&apos;); scanf (&apos;%d&apos;, max); printf (&apos; %d random number from 0 to %d number are: 
&apos;, num, max); randomize(); for (i = 1; i <= num; i++) { temp="random(max)" * use random() function to get the random number printf (\' %d \', temp); print } getch(); < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a number to set the limit of random numbers 17 Enter the maximum number from you want to get the random number: 100 15 random number from 0 to 100 number are: 42 68 35 1 70 25 79 59 63 28 75 89 90 43 7 4 65 </pre> <h2>Program to generate float random numbers</h2> <p>Let&apos;s consider a program to print the float random numbers in C.</p> <p> <strong>random1.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include #include int main() { srand( (unsigned int) time(NULL)); float f1 = 5.0; int i; printf(?Float random numbers are: 
?); for (i = 0; i<10; i++) { printf(\'%f\', ((float) rand() rand_max) * f1); printf(\'
\'); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Float random numbers are: 1.208075 1.658376 4.645070 2.298807 3.117161 0.961486 4.115573 4.336223 2.894833 2.249825 </pre> <hr></10;></pre></=>

Kayan rastgele sayılar üreten program

C'de kayan rastgele sayıları yazdıran bir program düşünelim.


 #include #include #include int main() { srand( (unsigned int) time(NULL)); float f1 = 5.0; int i; printf(?Float random numbers are: 
?); for (i = 0; i<10; i++) { printf(\\'%f\\', ((float) rand() rand_max) * f1); printf(\\'
\\'); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Float random numbers are: 1.208075 1.658376 4.645070 2.298807 3.117161 0.961486 4.115573 4.336223 2.894833 2.249825 </pre> <hr></10;>