Bu konu ASCII kodlarını ve C programlama dilinde bir ASCII tablosunu yazdıracak bir programın nasıl yazılacağını tartışacaktır. ASCII'nin açılımı Bilgi değişimi için Amerikan Standart kodu . ASCII kodu, bilgisayarlarda ve diğer elektronik cihazlarda bilgi alışverişi için temel karakter öğelerinin değerini tanımlamak için kullanılan bir karakter kodlama şemasıdır.
Ayrıca ASCII kodu, standart ASCII kodu ve genişletilmiş ASCII kodu olmak üzere iki bölüme ayrılmış karakter setindeki 255 sembolden oluşan bir koleksiyondur. Standart ASCII kodu 0 ila 127 arasında değişir ve 7 bit uzunluğundadır ve 128'den 255'e kadar genişletilmiş ASCII kodu 8 bit uzunluğundadır. Bu karakterler sembol harflerinin (büyük ve küçük harf (a-z, AZ), rakamların (0-9), özel karakterlerin (!, @, #, $ vb.), noktalama işaretlerinin ve kontrol karakterlerinin birleşimidir. Dolayısıyla, biz her karakterin kendine ait ASCII değeri olduğunu söyleyebiliriz.
Örneğin 'HELLO' olarak bir string girdiğimizde bilgisayar makinesi girdiğimiz stringi doğrudan saklamaz. Bunun yerine sistem, dizeleri '7269767679' gibi eşdeğer ASCII değerlerinde saklar. H'nin ASCII değeri 72, E 69, L 76 ve O 79'dur.
Büyük harflerin ASCII değerini bulma programı
#include int main() { // declare local variable int caps; // use for loop to print the capital letter from A to Z for ( caps = 65; caps <91; caps++) { printf (' the ascii value of %c is %d ', caps, caps); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> The ASCII value of A is 65 The ASCII value of B is 66 The ASCII value of C is 67 The ASCII value of D is 68 The ASCII value of E is 69 The ASCII value of F is 70 The ASCII value of G is 71 The ASCII value of H is 72 The ASCII value of I is 73 The ASCII value of J is 74 The ASCII value of K is 75 The ASCII value of L is 76 The ASCII value of M is 77 The ASCII value of N is 78 The ASCII value of O is 79 The ASCII value of P is 80 The ASCII value of Q is 81 The ASCII value of R is 82 The ASCII value of S is 83 The ASCII value of T is 84 The ASCII value of U is 85 The ASCII value of V is 86 The ASCII value of W is 87 The ASCII value of X is 88 The ASCII value of Y is 89 The ASCII value of Z is 90 </pre> <h3>Program to get the ASCII value of the small letters</h3> <p> <strong>Program2.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include int main() { // declare local variable int small; // use for loop to print the small alphabets letter from a to z for ( small = 97; small <123; small++) { display ascii values to its equivalent characters printf (' the value of %c is %d ', small, small); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> The ASCII value of a is 97 The ASCII value of b is 98 The ASCII value of c is 99 The ASCII value of d is 100 The ASCII value of e is 101 The ASCII value of f is 102 The ASCII value of g is 103 The ASCII value of h is 104 The ASCII value of i is 105 The ASCII value of j is 106 The ASCII value of k is 107 The ASCII value of l is 108 The ASCII value of m is 109 The ASCII value of n is 110 The ASCII value of o is 111 The ASCII value of p is 112 The ASCII value of q is 113 The ASCII value of r is 114 The ASCII value of s is 115 The ASCII value of t is 116 The ASCII value of u is 117 The ASCII value of v is 118 The ASCII value of w is 119 The ASCII value of x is 120 The ASCII value of y is 121 The ASCII value of z is 122 </pre> <h3>Program to get the ASCII value of the given characters</h3> <p> <strong>Program3.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include int main() { char arr[30]; // declare the size of character array int count = 0; // declare a count variable // enter any name to get the ascii codes printf (' Enter the name to get the ASCII codes: '); scanf (' %s', &arr); // use while loop to sequentially iterate every characters of the array while (arr[count] != ' ') { // display the character name one by one printf (' The ascii code of the character %c is %d ', arr[count], arr[count]); count++; // increment one by one } return 0; } </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the name to get the ASCII codes: JAVATPOINT The ASCII code of the character J is 74 The ASCII code of the character A is 65 The ASCII code of the character V is 86 The ASCII code of the character A is 65 The ASCII code of the character T is 84 The ASCII code of the character P is 80 The ASCII code of the character O is 79 The ASCII code of the character I is 73 The ASCII code of the character N is 78 The ASCII code of the character T is 84 </pre> <h3>Program to get the ASCII value of the special characters</h3> <p> <strong>Program4.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include int main() { // declare a variable int specialCh; for (specialCh = 33; specialCh <48; specialch++) { printf (' the ascii value of '%c' special character is: %d', specialch, specialch); } for (specialch="58;" specialch < 65; 127; return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> The ASCII value of '!' special character is: 33 The ASCII value of ''' special character is: 34 The ASCII value of '#' special character is: 35 The ASCII value of '$' special character is: 36 The ASCII value of '%' special character is: 37 The ASCII value of '&' special character is: 38 The ASCII value of ''' special character is: 39 The ASCII value of '(' special character is: 40 The ASCII value of ')' special character is: 41 The ASCII value of '*' special character is: 42 The ASCII value of '+' special character is: 43 The ASCII value of ',' special character is: 44 The ASCII value of '-' special character is: 45 The ASCII value of '.' special character is: 46 The ASCII value of '/' special character is: 47 The ASCII value of ':' special character is: 58 The ASCII value of ';' special character is: 59 The ASCII value of '' special character is: 62 The ASCII value of '?' special character is: 63 The ASCII value of '@' special character is: 64 The ASCII value of '' special character is: 124 The ASCII value of '' special character is: 125 The ASCII value of '~' special character is: 126 </pre> <h3>Program to print the complete ASCII tables in C</h3> <p> <strong>Program6.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include int main() { // declare a variable int asciTable; printf (' The complete ASCII table of the characters in the C '); for (asciTable = 0; asciTable <255; ascitable++) { printf (' the value of '%c' character is: %d', ascitable, ascitable); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/c-tutorial/14/ascii-table-c-2.webp" alt="ASCII Table in C"> <hr></255;></pre></48;></pre></123;></pre></91;>
Küçük harflerin ASCII değerini bulan program
#include int main() { // declare local variable int small; // use for loop to print the small alphabets letter from a to z for ( small = 97; small <123; small++) { display ascii values to its equivalent characters printf (\' the value of %c is %d \', small, small); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> The ASCII value of a is 97 The ASCII value of b is 98 The ASCII value of c is 99 The ASCII value of d is 100 The ASCII value of e is 101 The ASCII value of f is 102 The ASCII value of g is 103 The ASCII value of h is 104 The ASCII value of i is 105 The ASCII value of j is 106 The ASCII value of k is 107 The ASCII value of l is 108 The ASCII value of m is 109 The ASCII value of n is 110 The ASCII value of o is 111 The ASCII value of p is 112 The ASCII value of q is 113 The ASCII value of r is 114 The ASCII value of s is 115 The ASCII value of t is 116 The ASCII value of u is 117 The ASCII value of v is 118 The ASCII value of w is 119 The ASCII value of x is 120 The ASCII value of y is 121 The ASCII value of z is 122 </pre> <h3>Program to get the ASCII value of the given characters</h3> <p> <strong>Program3.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include int main() { char arr[30]; // declare the size of character array int count = 0; // declare a count variable // enter any name to get the ascii codes printf (' Enter the name to get the ASCII codes: '); scanf (' %s', &arr); // use while loop to sequentially iterate every characters of the array while (arr[count] != ' ') { // display the character name one by one printf (' The ascii code of the character %c is %d ', arr[count], arr[count]); count++; // increment one by one } return 0; } </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the name to get the ASCII codes: JAVATPOINT The ASCII code of the character J is 74 The ASCII code of the character A is 65 The ASCII code of the character V is 86 The ASCII code of the character A is 65 The ASCII code of the character T is 84 The ASCII code of the character P is 80 The ASCII code of the character O is 79 The ASCII code of the character I is 73 The ASCII code of the character N is 78 The ASCII code of the character T is 84 </pre> <h3>Program to get the ASCII value of the special characters</h3> <p> <strong>Program4.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include int main() { // declare a variable int specialCh; for (specialCh = 33; specialCh <48; specialch++) { printf (\' the ascii value of \'%c\' special character is: %d\', specialch, specialch); } for (specialch="58;" specialch < 65; 127; return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> The ASCII value of '!' special character is: 33 The ASCII value of ''' special character is: 34 The ASCII value of '#' special character is: 35 The ASCII value of '$' special character is: 36 The ASCII value of '%' special character is: 37 The ASCII value of '&' special character is: 38 The ASCII value of ''' special character is: 39 The ASCII value of '(' special character is: 40 The ASCII value of ')' special character is: 41 The ASCII value of '*' special character is: 42 The ASCII value of '+' special character is: 43 The ASCII value of ',' special character is: 44 The ASCII value of '-' special character is: 45 The ASCII value of '.' special character is: 46 The ASCII value of '/' special character is: 47 The ASCII value of ':' special character is: 58 The ASCII value of ';' special character is: 59 The ASCII value of '' special character is: 62 The ASCII value of '?' special character is: 63 The ASCII value of '@' special character is: 64 The ASCII value of '' special character is: 124 The ASCII value of '' special character is: 125 The ASCII value of '~' special character is: 126 </pre> <h3>Program to print the complete ASCII tables in C</h3> <p> <strong>Program6.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include int main() { // declare a variable int asciTable; printf (' The complete ASCII table of the characters in the C '); for (asciTable = 0; asciTable <255; ascitable++) { printf (\' the value of \'%c\' character is: %d\', ascitable, ascitable); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/c-tutorial/14/ascii-table-c-2.webp" alt="ASCII Table in C"> <hr></255;></pre></48;></pre></123;>
Verilen karakterlerin ASCII değerini bulan program
#include int main() { char arr[30]; // declare the size of character array int count = 0; // declare a count variable // enter any name to get the ascii codes printf (' Enter the name to get the ASCII codes: '); scanf (' %s', &arr); // use while loop to sequentially iterate every characters of the array while (arr[count] != ' ') { // display the character name one by one printf (' The ascii code of the character %c is %d ', arr[count], arr[count]); count++; // increment one by one } return 0; }
Enter the name to get the ASCII codes: JAVATPOINT The ASCII code of the character J is 74 The ASCII code of the character A is 65 The ASCII code of the character V is 86 The ASCII code of the character A is 65 The ASCII code of the character T is 84 The ASCII code of the character P is 80 The ASCII code of the character O is 79 The ASCII code of the character I is 73 The ASCII code of the character N is 78 The ASCII code of the character T is 84
Özel karakterlerin ASCII değerini elde eden program
#include int main() { // declare a variable int specialCh; for (specialCh = 33; specialCh <48; specialch++) { printf (\' the ascii value of \'%c\' special character is: %d\', specialch, specialch); } for (specialch="58;" specialch < 65; 127; return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> The ASCII value of '!' special character is: 33 The ASCII value of ''' special character is: 34 The ASCII value of '#' special character is: 35 The ASCII value of '$' special character is: 36 The ASCII value of '%' special character is: 37 The ASCII value of '&' special character is: 38 The ASCII value of ''' special character is: 39 The ASCII value of '(' special character is: 40 The ASCII value of ')' special character is: 41 The ASCII value of '*' special character is: 42 The ASCII value of '+' special character is: 43 The ASCII value of ',' special character is: 44 The ASCII value of '-' special character is: 45 The ASCII value of '.' special character is: 46 The ASCII value of '/' special character is: 47 The ASCII value of ':' special character is: 58 The ASCII value of ';' special character is: 59 The ASCII value of '' special character is: 62 The ASCII value of '?' special character is: 63 The ASCII value of '@' special character is: 64 The ASCII value of '' special character is: 124 The ASCII value of '' special character is: 125 The ASCII value of '~' special character is: 126 </pre> <h3>Program to print the complete ASCII tables in C</h3> <p> <strong>Program6.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include int main() { // declare a variable int asciTable; printf (' The complete ASCII table of the characters in the C '); for (asciTable = 0; asciTable <255; ascitable++) { printf (\' the value of \'%c\' character is: %d\', ascitable, ascitable); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/c-tutorial/14/ascii-table-c-2.webp" alt="ASCII Table in C"> <hr></255;></pre></48;>
ASCII tablolarının tamamını C dilinde yazdıran program
#include int main() { // declare a variable int asciTable; printf (' The complete ASCII table of the characters in the C '); for (asciTable = 0; asciTable <255; ascitable++) { printf (\\' the value of \\'%c\\' character is: %d\\', ascitable, ascitable); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/c-tutorial/14/ascii-table-c-2.webp" alt="ASCII Table in C"> <hr></255;>48;>123;>91;>