
C++ ve JAVA'da Foreach

Foreach döngüsü, başlatma, test etme veya artırma/azaltma gerçekleştirmeden bir kabın öğeleri (dizi, vektörler vb.) üzerinde hızlı bir şekilde yineleme yapmak için kullanılır. Foreach döngüleri, bir şeyi n kez yapmak yerine, her öğe için bir şeyler yaparak çalışır. C'de foreach döngüsü olmamasına rağmen C++ ve Java tarafından desteklenmektedir. İlk olarak C++ 11'de C++'da ve JDK 1.5.0'da Java'da tanıtıldı. Hem C++ hem de Java'da foreach döngüsünün anahtar sözcüğü 'for'dur.


 for (data_type variable_name : container_type) { operations using variable_name } 

C++'ta auto anahtar sözcüğünün ve Java'da var anahtar sözcüğünün kullanıma sunulması sayesinde foreach döngülerindeki değişkenler için veri türünü belirtmemize artık gerek yok. Tür çıkarımı, kabın veri türünü algılar ve geçiş için kullanılan değişkeni aynı veri türüne ayarlar.

Aşağıdaki kod, çeşitli kapsayıcılar için foreach döngüsünün yanı sıra C++/Java'daki auto/var anahtar sözcüklerinin kullanımını gösterir.


 // C++ program to demonstrate use of foreach for array #include using namespace std; int main() { int arr[] = { 10, 20, 30, 40 }; // Printing elements of an array using // foreach loop // Here, int is the data type, x is the variable name // and arr is the array for which we want to iterate foreach cout&lt;<'traversing the array with foreach using array's data type: '; for (int x : arr) cout<<x<<' type of is set as int cout<<'
traversing auto keyword (auto } < pre> <h3>JAVA</h3> <pre> // Java program to demonstrate use of foreach public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // Declaring 1-D array with size 4 int arr[] = { 10, 20, 30, 40 }; // Printing elements of an array using // foreach loop // Here, int is the data type, x is the variable name // and arr is the array for which we want to iterate foreach System.out.print(&apos;Traversing the array with foreach using array&apos;s data type: &apos;); for (int x : arr) System.out.print(x+&apos; &apos;); // data type of x is set as int System.out.print(&apos;
Traversing the array with foreach using auto keyword : &apos;); for (var x : arr) System.out.print(x+&apos; &apos;); } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Traversing the array with foreach using array&apos;s data type: 10 20 30 40 Traversing the array with foreach using auto keyword : 10 20 30 40 </pre> <h3>Vector C++ programme:</h3> <pre> #include #include using namespace std; int main() { vector value{&apos;This&apos;, &apos;is&apos;, &apos;foreach&apos;, &apos;example&apos;, &apos;using&apos;, &apos;vector.&apos;}; cout&lt;<'traversing the vector with foreach using vector's data type: '; for (string v : value) { cout<<v<<' } cout<<'
traversing auto keyword (auto return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Traversing the vector with foreach using vector&apos;s data type: This is foreach example using vector. Traversing the vector with foreach using auto keyword : This is foreach example using vector. </pre> <h2>C++/Java Set Program:</h2> <h3>C++</h3> <pre> #include #include using namespace std; int main() { set value = {6, 2, 7, 4, 10, 5, 1}; cout&lt;<'traversing the set with foreach using set's data type: '; for (int v : value) { cout<<v<<' } cout<<'
traversing auto keyword (auto return 0; < pre> <h3>JAVA</h3> <pre> import java.util.*; public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) { Set hash_Set = new HashSet(); hash_Set.add(&apos;Geeks&apos;); hash_Set.add(&apos;For&apos;); hash_Set.add(&apos;Geeks&apos;); hash_Set.add(&apos;Foreach&apos;); hash_Set.add(&apos;Example&apos;); hash_Set.add(&apos;Set&apos;); System.out.print(&apos;Traversing the set with foreach using set&apos;s data type: &apos;); for(String hs : hash_Set) { System.out.print(hs+&apos; &apos;); } System.out.print(&apos;
Traversing the set with foreach using auto keyword : &apos;); for (var hs : hash_Set) { System.out.print(hs+&apos; &apos;); } } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Traversing the set with foreach using set&apos;s data type: 1 2 4 5 6 7 10 Traversing the set with foreach using auto keyword : 1 2 4 5 6 7 10 </pre> <p>For array, vector, and set, we can use different data types in foreach.</p> <h2>C++/Java Map Program:</h2> <h3>C++</h3> <pre> #include #include using namespace std; int main() { map mapExample; mapExample.insert(pair(1, &apos;Geeks&apos;)); mapExample.insert(pair(2, &apos;4&apos;)); mapExample.insert(pair(3, &apos;Geeks&apos;)); mapExample.insert(pair(4, &apos;Map&apos;)); mapExample.insert(pair(5, &apos;Foreach&apos;)); mapExample.insert(pair(6, &apos;Example&apos;)); cout&lt;<'traversing the map with foreach using map's data type
'; for (pair mpex : mapexample ) { cout<<mpex.first<<' '<<mpex.second<<endl; } cout<<'
traversing auto keyword
'; (auto mapexample){ return 0; < pre> <h3>JAVA</h3> <pre> import java.io.*; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; class GFG { public static void main (String[] args) { Map gfg = new HashMap(); gfg.put(1, &apos;Geeks&apos;); gfg.put(2, &apos;4&apos;); gfg.put(3, &apos;Geeks&apos;); gfg.put(4, &apos;Map&apos;); gfg.put(5, &apos;Foreach&apos;); gfg.put(6, &apos;Example&apos;); System.out.println(&apos;Traversing the map with foreach using map&apos;s data type&apos;); for (Map.Entry entry : gfg.entrySet()) System.out.println(entry.getKey() + &apos; &apos; + entry.getValue()); System.out.println(&apos;
Traversing the map with foreach using auto keyword&apos;); for (var entry : gfg.entrySet()) System.out.println(entry.getKey() + &apos; &apos; + entry.getValue()); } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Traversing the map with foreach using map&apos;s data type 1 Geeks 2 4 3 Geeks 4 Map 5 Foreach 6 Example Traversing the map with foreach using auto keyword 1 Geeks 2 4 3 Geeks 4 Map 5 Foreach 6 Example </pre> <h3>Foreach loop has the following advantages:</h3> <ul> <li>This improves the readability of the code.</li> <li>Removes the possibility of data over- or under-running errors.</li> </ul> <h3>Foreach loop has the following disadvantage:</h3> <ul> <li>It is not possible to iterate over the elements in reverse order.</li> <li>Every element will be accessed; no elements in between will be skipped.</li> </ul> <hr></'traversing></pre></'traversing></pre></'traversing></pre></'traversing>


 Traversing the array with foreach using array&apos;s data type: 10 20 30 40 Traversing the array with foreach using auto keyword : 10 20 30 40 

Vektör C++ programı:

 #include #include using namespace std; int main() { vector value{&apos;This&apos;, &apos;is&apos;, &apos;foreach&apos;, &apos;example&apos;, &apos;using&apos;, &apos;vector.&apos;}; cout&lt;<\'traversing the vector with foreach using vector\'s data type: \'; for (string v : value) { cout<<v<<\' } cout<<\'
traversing auto keyword (auto return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Traversing the vector with foreach using vector&apos;s data type: This is foreach example using vector. Traversing the vector with foreach using auto keyword : This is foreach example using vector. </pre> <h2>C++/Java Set Program:</h2> <h3>C++</h3> <pre> #include #include using namespace std; int main() { set value = {6, 2, 7, 4, 10, 5, 1}; cout&lt;<\'traversing the set with foreach using set\'s data type: \'; for (int v : value) { cout<<v<<\' } cout<<\'
traversing auto keyword (auto return 0; < pre> <h3>JAVA</h3> <pre> import java.util.*; public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) { Set hash_Set = new HashSet(); hash_Set.add(&apos;Geeks&apos;); hash_Set.add(&apos;For&apos;); hash_Set.add(&apos;Geeks&apos;); hash_Set.add(&apos;Foreach&apos;); hash_Set.add(&apos;Example&apos;); hash_Set.add(&apos;Set&apos;); System.out.print(&apos;Traversing the set with foreach using set&apos;s data type: &apos;); for(String hs : hash_Set) { System.out.print(hs+&apos; &apos;); } System.out.print(&apos;
Traversing the set with foreach using auto keyword : &apos;); for (var hs : hash_Set) { System.out.print(hs+&apos; &apos;); } } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Traversing the set with foreach using set&apos;s data type: 1 2 4 5 6 7 10 Traversing the set with foreach using auto keyword : 1 2 4 5 6 7 10 </pre> <p>For array, vector, and set, we can use different data types in foreach.</p> <h2>C++/Java Map Program:</h2> <h3>C++</h3> <pre> #include #include using namespace std; int main() { map mapExample; mapExample.insert(pair(1, &apos;Geeks&apos;)); mapExample.insert(pair(2, &apos;4&apos;)); mapExample.insert(pair(3, &apos;Geeks&apos;)); mapExample.insert(pair(4, &apos;Map&apos;)); mapExample.insert(pair(5, &apos;Foreach&apos;)); mapExample.insert(pair(6, &apos;Example&apos;)); cout&lt;<\'traversing the map with foreach using map\'s data type
\'; for (pair mpex : mapexample ) { cout<<mpex.first<<\' \'<<mpex.second<<endl; } cout<<\'
traversing auto keyword
\'; (auto mapexample){ return 0; < pre> <h3>JAVA</h3> <pre> import java.io.*; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; class GFG { public static void main (String[] args) { Map gfg = new HashMap(); gfg.put(1, &apos;Geeks&apos;); gfg.put(2, &apos;4&apos;); gfg.put(3, &apos;Geeks&apos;); gfg.put(4, &apos;Map&apos;); gfg.put(5, &apos;Foreach&apos;); gfg.put(6, &apos;Example&apos;); System.out.println(&apos;Traversing the map with foreach using map&apos;s data type&apos;); for (Map.Entry entry : gfg.entrySet()) System.out.println(entry.getKey() + &apos; &apos; + entry.getValue()); System.out.println(&apos;
Traversing the map with foreach using auto keyword&apos;); for (var entry : gfg.entrySet()) System.out.println(entry.getKey() + &apos; &apos; + entry.getValue()); } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Traversing the map with foreach using map&apos;s data type 1 Geeks 2 4 3 Geeks 4 Map 5 Foreach 6 Example Traversing the map with foreach using auto keyword 1 Geeks 2 4 3 Geeks 4 Map 5 Foreach 6 Example </pre> <h3>Foreach loop has the following advantages:</h3> <ul> <li>This improves the readability of the code.</li> <li>Removes the possibility of data over- or under-running errors.</li> </ul> <h3>Foreach loop has the following disadvantage:</h3> <ul> <li>It is not possible to iterate over the elements in reverse order.</li> <li>Every element will be accessed; no elements in between will be skipped.</li> </ul> <hr></\'traversing></pre></\'traversing></pre></\'traversing>

C++/Java Seti Programı:


 #include #include using namespace std; int main() { set value = {6, 2, 7, 4, 10, 5, 1}; cout&lt;<\'traversing the set with foreach using set\'s data type: \'; for (int v : value) { cout<<v<<\' } cout<<\'
traversing auto keyword (auto return 0; < pre> <h3>JAVA</h3> <pre> import java.util.*; public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) { Set hash_Set = new HashSet(); hash_Set.add(&apos;Geeks&apos;); hash_Set.add(&apos;For&apos;); hash_Set.add(&apos;Geeks&apos;); hash_Set.add(&apos;Foreach&apos;); hash_Set.add(&apos;Example&apos;); hash_Set.add(&apos;Set&apos;); System.out.print(&apos;Traversing the set with foreach using set&apos;s data type: &apos;); for(String hs : hash_Set) { System.out.print(hs+&apos; &apos;); } System.out.print(&apos;
Traversing the set with foreach using auto keyword : &apos;); for (var hs : hash_Set) { System.out.print(hs+&apos; &apos;); } } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Traversing the set with foreach using set&apos;s data type: 1 2 4 5 6 7 10 Traversing the set with foreach using auto keyword : 1 2 4 5 6 7 10 </pre> <p>For array, vector, and set, we can use different data types in foreach.</p> <h2>C++/Java Map Program:</h2> <h3>C++</h3> <pre> #include #include using namespace std; int main() { map mapExample; mapExample.insert(pair(1, &apos;Geeks&apos;)); mapExample.insert(pair(2, &apos;4&apos;)); mapExample.insert(pair(3, &apos;Geeks&apos;)); mapExample.insert(pair(4, &apos;Map&apos;)); mapExample.insert(pair(5, &apos;Foreach&apos;)); mapExample.insert(pair(6, &apos;Example&apos;)); cout&lt;<\'traversing the map with foreach using map\'s data type
\'; for (pair mpex : mapexample ) { cout<<mpex.first<<\' \'<<mpex.second<<endl; } cout<<\'
traversing auto keyword
\'; (auto mapexample){ return 0; < pre> <h3>JAVA</h3> <pre> import java.io.*; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; class GFG { public static void main (String[] args) { Map gfg = new HashMap(); gfg.put(1, &apos;Geeks&apos;); gfg.put(2, &apos;4&apos;); gfg.put(3, &apos;Geeks&apos;); gfg.put(4, &apos;Map&apos;); gfg.put(5, &apos;Foreach&apos;); gfg.put(6, &apos;Example&apos;); System.out.println(&apos;Traversing the map with foreach using map&apos;s data type&apos;); for (Map.Entry entry : gfg.entrySet()) System.out.println(entry.getKey() + &apos; &apos; + entry.getValue()); System.out.println(&apos;
Traversing the map with foreach using auto keyword&apos;); for (var entry : gfg.entrySet()) System.out.println(entry.getKey() + &apos; &apos; + entry.getValue()); } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Traversing the map with foreach using map&apos;s data type 1 Geeks 2 4 3 Geeks 4 Map 5 Foreach 6 Example Traversing the map with foreach using auto keyword 1 Geeks 2 4 3 Geeks 4 Map 5 Foreach 6 Example </pre> <h3>Foreach loop has the following advantages:</h3> <ul> <li>This improves the readability of the code.</li> <li>Removes the possibility of data over- or under-running errors.</li> </ul> <h3>Foreach loop has the following disadvantage:</h3> <ul> <li>It is not possible to iterate over the elements in reverse order.</li> <li>Every element will be accessed; no elements in between will be skipped.</li> </ul> <hr></\'traversing></pre></\'traversing>


 Traversing the set with foreach using set&apos;s data type: 1 2 4 5 6 7 10 Traversing the set with foreach using auto keyword : 1 2 4 5 6 7 10 

Dizi, vektör ve küme için foreach'ta farklı veri türleri kullanabiliriz.

C++/Java Harita Programı:


 #include #include using namespace std; int main() { map mapExample; mapExample.insert(pair(1, &apos;Geeks&apos;)); mapExample.insert(pair(2, &apos;4&apos;)); mapExample.insert(pair(3, &apos;Geeks&apos;)); mapExample.insert(pair(4, &apos;Map&apos;)); mapExample.insert(pair(5, &apos;Foreach&apos;)); mapExample.insert(pair(6, &apos;Example&apos;)); cout&lt;<\\'traversing the map with foreach using map\\'s data type
\\'; for (pair mpex : mapexample ) { cout<<mpex.first<<\\' \\'<<mpex.second<<endl; } cout<<\\'
traversing auto keyword
\\'; (auto mapexample){ return 0; < pre> <h3>JAVA</h3> <pre> import java.io.*; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; class GFG { public static void main (String[] args) { Map gfg = new HashMap(); gfg.put(1, &apos;Geeks&apos;); gfg.put(2, &apos;4&apos;); gfg.put(3, &apos;Geeks&apos;); gfg.put(4, &apos;Map&apos;); gfg.put(5, &apos;Foreach&apos;); gfg.put(6, &apos;Example&apos;); System.out.println(&apos;Traversing the map with foreach using map&apos;s data type&apos;); for (Map.Entry entry : gfg.entrySet()) System.out.println(entry.getKey() + &apos; &apos; + entry.getValue()); System.out.println(&apos;
Traversing the map with foreach using auto keyword&apos;); for (var entry : gfg.entrySet()) System.out.println(entry.getKey() + &apos; &apos; + entry.getValue()); } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Traversing the map with foreach using map&apos;s data type 1 Geeks 2 4 3 Geeks 4 Map 5 Foreach 6 Example Traversing the map with foreach using auto keyword 1 Geeks 2 4 3 Geeks 4 Map 5 Foreach 6 Example </pre> <h3>Foreach loop has the following advantages:</h3> <ul> <li>This improves the readability of the code.</li> <li>Removes the possibility of data over- or under-running errors.</li> </ul> <h3>Foreach loop has the following disadvantage:</h3> <ul> <li>It is not possible to iterate over the elements in reverse order.</li> <li>Every element will be accessed; no elements in between will be skipped.</li> </ul> <hr></\\'traversing>


 Traversing the map with foreach using map&apos;s data type 1 Geeks 2 4 3 Geeks 4 Map 5 Foreach 6 Example Traversing the map with foreach using auto keyword 1 Geeks 2 4 3 Geeks 4 Map 5 Foreach 6 Example 

Foreach döngüsünün aşağıdaki avantajları vardır:

  • Bu, kodun okunabilirliğini artırır.
  • Verilerin aşırı veya yetersiz çalışma hataları olasılığını ortadan kaldırır.

Foreach döngüsünün aşağıdaki dezavantajı vardır:

  • Öğeler üzerinde ters sırada yineleme yapmak mümkün değildir.
  • Her öğeye erişilecektir; aradaki hiçbir öğe atlanmayacaktır.